1 Steve (Ivan, Andy, Angela, Cornell) Sixteen teams of UBC Engineering Physics students are set to compete in “Robot Pet Rescue!” the 15th Annual UBC Engineering Physics Robot Competition. Teams have been challenged to build robots that could autonomously locate and rescue up to six small stuffed animals representing pets stranded in a building, using whatever means they can to return the pets to safety. All of the robots will be doing all tasks fully automatically from their onboard computers without any remote controls or human interference. The groups have made full use of the fabrication tools as used in industry – 3d printing to manufacture critical plastic pieces for their robots, laser cutting to fabricate structures in plastic and wood, and waterjet cutting for elements in sheet metal which forms the majority of their robot. These same tools are used in industry, and give students a great design experience in bringing together a fully-functional prototype – all in under 5 weeks of build-time. Since 2001, more than 650 UBC Engineering Physics students have taken this hands-on prototyping course as part of their academic program. The challenge changes from year to year, with previous competitions including Rescue-bots, Hockey-bots, Doctor-bots, Build-bots Police-Bots, and a host of other entertaining challenges. This 12-week crash-course in prototyping gives all 65 students enrolled in Engineering Physics the chance to design every aspect of their robot designs – all of the electronics and mechanics and computer programs are done by the students in groups of 4, making use of UBC Engineering Physics’s in-house prototyping facilities. Current Version: enph253-2015-CompetitionRules-ver2 (Robot separation / Pet5 not on tape and worth 2 points. Additions in Yellow) End of page. Pet-Rescue Bots!
15th Annual ENPH 253 Competition
Thurs August 6th – 10am Hennings 200
Presented by UBC Engineering Physics
Competition Sponsors:
Media Links
Team Webpages and Videos
2 BatBot (William, Shahriar, Amir, Lap-Tak, Alex)
3 H.A.L.P (Arjun, Bryden, Stefan, Alex) (Third Place)
4 Darth Situla (Emma Giulio, Adrianna, William)
5 Florence & the Machine (Megan, Brian, Grace, Doug) (Second Place)
6 HAB Bot (Brett, Lin, Sam, Matt)
7 BETSIE (Jory, Candice, Alex, Adam)
8 SuperGoodRobot / Magunettsu wa nandesuka (Rachel, Jan, Daniel, Kevin)
9 AMPERES (Johnson, Anne, Kevin, Scott)
10 MULAN (Psychobot) (Becky, Yuan, Gabby, Grace)
11 F.E.T.C.H (Cyrus, Ian, Charlie, Akshiv)
12 The Steel Panther and the Aluminum Cub (Tori, Graham, Dan, Nick)
13 VULCAN (Riley, James, Wilhelm, Gregory)
14 Geronimo (David, Quinn, Josh, Mohamed-Ali)
15 Mashed Petatoes (Jackson, Logan, Darren, Matt)
16 Bobbot (Ruishen, James, Andrew, Beichen) (First Place)Competition Day Details and Results
Date and Time
Thurs August 6th, 2015 10am – noon
Hennings Building, Room 200. Address: 1961 East Mall (click here for parking and directions)
65 second-year students in UBC Engineering Physics course go head-to-head with their autonomous robots. Robots will travel around a small obstacle course, navigating various hazards to find and pick up small stuffed animals representing pets trapped in building aflame. The competition ends with robots rescuing the pets and exiting safely via a 10-foot zipline. Students and instructor will be available for interviews
To Attend the Competitoin
No registration required. However, if bringing a group of 4 or more, please contact Jon Nakane for further details about attending the event.
Competition Rules
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